Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SOSA Gliding Club Rockton, Ontario

This looks like fun??!!!
Up Up and Away!

Free as a bird!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toronto Airplanes Landing

Flying Overhead

These planes fly over Airport Road in Toronto.  The noise is deafening and the planes seem to all of a sudden appear overhead.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Wedding

Bailey the beautiful bride
Bailey and her dad Gerry
Bailey and Nana
Bailey and her daughter Jade
Bailey, Jade and the bridesmaids
Bailey and her sister Faith, the junior bridesmaid
Bailey coming down the aisle with her dad
The ceremony
Bailey and Mathew signing the register
The first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
and they lived happily ever after....
Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
The Wytons, Jade Bailey Mathew Paul
Bailey's hair
The back of Bailey's dress
The first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
The father and daughter dance

Sunday, August 22, 2010

River Sculptures

Humber River near Old Mill in Toronto

View from the shore

My Fave

Peter Riedel, a Toronto photographer put together these Rock Sculptures in the Humber River near the Old Mill.  It is clear the imagination and patience it took to put this together. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Orange car

The Orange Car

This cool car was in the parking lot at Vistek when I came out after purchasing a new
Canon 200mm lens.  A coincidence?  I think not.  What a neat way to try out the new lens.  So far the lens has not disappointed.  It is a great "walk around" lens just like Gary at Vistek said it would be.  Great lens for panned out shots and very good zoom to get up close on the same shot.  It sure beats changing lenses all the time!  Anyway more about the car - it is an orange car, very small but sporty.  There were a few chips on the back bumper which were quickly fixed with the bandaid icon on Photoshop Elements 8 - the healing brush tool.  I think I like the car thing - very sleek photos.  I will experiment more in this area soon.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cell phone violation ticket by horse

This is what you get when you think no one is looking!  Two Toronto policemen mounted unit caught this driver on his cell phone.  What a neat way to catch 'em when they least expect it.  It will make for a good story when he tells his friends but he won't be laughing when he has to pay the ticket!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Papillion toy spaniel

Papillion toy spaniel, originally uploaded by Moments 4 me.
This cute little Papillion dog caught my attention at a PawsWay demonstration at Harbourfront Toronto. His little tongue hanging out really made him stand out in the crowd. At first I thought he was just thirsty but it was not so - this is how he looks all the time. PawsWay has free demonstrations almost every weekend. They have the Purina Animal Hall of Fame and other exhibits in their large facility. Dogs are welcome.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sleek Boxer

On June 27th about 4pm, this beauty was sitting waiting for its owner to return.  Just down the street is the temporary jail for the G20 Summit protesters and there are more noisy protesters outside.  He looks uneasy - he is the picture of Toronto after the G20 weekend.
Sleek Boxer, originally uploaded by Moments 4 me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Toronto Zoo

We were invited to Stingray Bay breakfast at the Toronto Zoo with our City councillor.  Jim got caught up in the gorilla's antics.  You can see why.......

Ngozi and Nassir.  Nassir clings to mom as she makes her way around making sure everyone is behaving.
Little Nassir can play while Mom keeps watch.