Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toronto Airplanes Landing

Flying Overhead

These planes fly over Airport Road in Toronto.  The noise is deafening and the planes seem to all of a sudden appear overhead.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Wedding

Bailey the beautiful bride
Bailey and her dad Gerry
Bailey and Nana
Bailey and her daughter Jade
Bailey, Jade and the bridesmaids
Bailey and her sister Faith, the junior bridesmaid
Bailey coming down the aisle with her dad
The ceremony
Bailey and Mathew signing the register
The first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
and they lived happily ever after....
Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
The Wytons, Jade Bailey Mathew Paul
Bailey's hair
The back of Bailey's dress
The first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Wyton
The father and daughter dance